Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Listerine great stuff

Yesterday, Leo took Wrangler out for a romp. The idea was to tire him out a little meaning Wrangler not Leo. Well, last night I kept smelling horse, and not in a good way. Finally, dawns on me that Leo took Wrangler on horse trails. I asked Leo if Wrangler had eaten anything on the trail. Guess what he ate? So, I tried giving him some treats that are known for breath related problems. They, really didn't help much. Leo got the idea to use listerine breath strips. They were regular kind not the whitening kind as that would be bad for him. Well, we gave him one and he liked it, so Leo gave him another one. Well, the second one proved to be too much for him. He kept lifting up his upper lip, and his mouth was watering. It did do the trick as far as his breath goes. I am not sure how he felt about it after the second one, but he smelled better. Who would have thought it could be that simple. It is amazing what you find out when you are bored and looking to entertain yourself while taking care of a problem.

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