Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Getting Lost in the Woods

Today, we went for a little walk. The object of this was to make Wrangler tired. The object was not to get lost in the process of making Wrangler tired. Well, the second non-targeted effect was what actually happened. The above pictures that I took with my new camera was part of the reason that I got lost. I had stopped to take some pictures of a bird in a tree. Those pictures are not posted in the collage as they didn't turn out that well. Leo and Wrangler went ahead while I was doing this. Well, I started down the trail after taking some pictures and didn't see Leo or the dog. I kept going on what I thought was the trail and ended up walking two more fields over without seeing them. Now, I had never been on this trail, and I am sure, by this point that I am not on the same trail Leo took. I turned around the way I came figuring if I go back to the car I will meet him there at some point. I walked back the way I came took another little trail to see if he went that way, but he wasn't there. I came out of the woods to head back to the car, and here comes the boys looking for me. Leo had realized that I wasn't behind him. He went back to the car and I wasn't there yet, so now he is thinking that I am part of a real life "Missing Without a Trace" episode. Wrangler seemed to be real happy to see me, and he is extremely tired from the extra walking he had to do.
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christine M said...

You need a portable GPS so you'll always know where you are. Or maybe train Wrangler as a search dog - then he could sniff you out. Glad you all found each other again.

You got some great pictures. Looks like you're having fun with the camera.

kristen said...

I knew where I was. All I had to do was go back the way I came. It was Leo who thought I was totally lost. By the way, Wrangler get too distracted and never would have been able to find me.