Friday, December 26, 2008

New Purchases

Leo and I decided instead of buying actual gifts for each other for Christmas we would just get a family gift. We had been looking for a Wii, but couldn't find one in stock when we were looking. Yesterday, I was talking to my cousin and she was saying that the Walmart by them got a late shipment in and were selling them at a nice discount because they couldn't sell them. We decided to try the Walmart by us today. They didn't have the console at the price Tara's had because they were sold out. Luckily, they did have the Wii sports bundle which was also on sale. They didn't have many left, but as long as they had one we were all set. The above pictures is of Leo playing the game that came with the bundle. We didn't purchase any other games yet, but they will be coming. One of the things we ahve to get is either Guitar Hero or Rockband. I want to do some research to see which one would be better. We purchased some LED Christmas lights while at Walmart also. They were 50% off, so we are all set or next year. We got some this year to try and we fell in love with them. On our way home we stopped at the furniture store that is going out of business. The owner of the store passed away and none of his family lives close by to run the store. It is a shame in some ways as this store has been in exsistence with the same family running it for 50 years. We just wanted to see what they had, and they had a really nice rocker at a great price that we couldn't pass up. This was needed because we didn't have anything like that for the nursery. We were just going to get a cheaper glider to put in there until we found this rocker. We got the great rocker for a great price which turned out even better. Then, we got home put in the nursery and it matches the crib perfectly. It looks like they were made as a set. Today, has seemed like such a productive day even though we really haven't done much other than going to two stores.
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1 comment:

Bill said...

The rocker does look nice. It was really lucky that it matches the crib. If you went out looking for one that matched, you probably wouldn't find anything better.

I want to report that the new Home Depot store is up and operational in (gee, I forgot what I named that town, or maybe I never did give it a name), well, trainland. There is even a car driving up to do some shopping.

It looks like Leo is having fun, what, wiing? I don't know much about that thing yet. We probably won't get one unless Mom decides she wants to wii.

We had a very nice visit with you on Christmas. Today we had the rest of the family here, minus Peter, who is protecting Haiti. By the way, he now has two hens and the first one laid another egg. I am overwhelmed by my children's pastimes.