Monday, November 17, 2008

Slight Chance of Snow

The call for tonight was a 30 percent chance of flurries and occassional snow showers. Well, that turned out to be 100% chance of snow showers. It has been snowing most of the night. I noticed earlier that it was accumulating a little bit. I just looked a few minutes ago and there is an inch plus out there. So much for that little chance of snow. We still aren't in a watch or anything like that, so I am assuming that this should be over relatively shortly. We aren't supposed to get snow again for a few days. I don't know how much of this will melt as it is supposed to be around the freezing mark for the next few days. Dave is supposed to put the stone around tomorrow. This shouldn't stop that plan from taking place. It will just slow things down a little bit I think.

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