Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Daylight Big Boy

Well, the ten point showed up today in the daylight. First time I have seen him during the day since he was in velvet. This may not pose so well for him come Monday. Nocturnal bucks shouldn't start playing in daytime hours during gun season. It also means that Dad may actually get his moment of seeing the deer when he comes here. Of course, John will be mad if you throw things off for his hunting Monday. We only got about three inches of snow overnight. It was done by morning. I put extra deer food out. I have to feed the deer with the crooked tail fawns. She got injured somehow, and probably isn't with us anymore, but I promised that I would look after the two of them. The were late fawns, so they are more susceptible in the winter.
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1 comment:

Bill said...

I saw them. I saw them. Seven all together, just like you said I would. I will never be suspicious of your wildlife stories again.