Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Little Gymnast.

I was watching the Olympics last night. For those who haven't seen or read the news, the men's gymnastic team medaled after no one thought they could. Well, all three men had high bar routines that were terrific. The crowd went crazy, and apparently the baby thought it was good too because the baby started moving around like crazy. It was right on cue. The baby was moving before, and has done it after but not like this. When the replays were on tonight the baby went crazy again. Apparently, the kid wants to do the high bar when it gets older. Hasn't done it tonight during the women's competition. For those who think American youth sports are out of hand, the Chinese have us beat. They take kids at age three and train them like elite athletes. These kids also only see their parents once a year, and it is kept this way until their Olympic careers are over. I know other countries have similar programs, but the Chinese seem to start it at the youngest age. In other news, my parents are going from one grandchild to three. My sister, Kelly, is pregnant and due around my birthday. It will be nice for the baby to have a cousin that close in age. It is also nice that we live closer now, so they can spend time together.


christine M said...

Congratulations to Kelly. How fun that you will both have babies close in age!

And a budding gymnast. That's good. Should we start preparing for the 2028 Olympics?

Anne K said...

Such exciting news! I'm very happy for Kelly and it's great to hear we have such an active grandchild on the way!