Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today is Wrangler's 6th birthday. He seemed to like Leo singing Happy Birthday to him. I don't really think he knew what the song reall was. I think he just liked the attention. He spent most of his birthday on deer watch. He likes to stand or sit and look out the windows. Now, most of the time he barks and there is nothing there. The deer that do come on a regular basis like to tease him and stand right outside the window that he is looking, and get him all riled. Today, they didn't come. We did have some bucks around, but they weren't in his line of sight. Funny thing about the two of them was that one was a three point. He decided to try to take on the bigger buck that was on the hill. Needless to say, the little guy lost that battle but it was sure funny to watch. I think that it won't be long before the bucks are out more often. They are already doing small scrapes. I guess when the time comes Wrangler will have plenty to watch out of the window.
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1 comment:

Anne K said...

Happy Birthday Wrangler!