Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Adventures and Deer

For the past few days, we have had deer in the backyard eating our berries. Yesterday it was three does and two fawns. The deer around our house tend to be pretty tame. There are some that are real skittish, but there are other that will let you watch them and come up pretty close. I was sitting on the swing on our back deck and one of the does came up and actually stuck her nose through the bars on the railing to look at me. Tonight there was only one that came and she didn't seem to mind me watching her. Wrangler hasn't been happy about the deer in the yard. I had to put him in his crate yesterday because he kept jumping up against the sliding glass door. Today, my sister, Kelly, came with her niece. Her nephew had open heart surgery last week and she has been watching his sister. Kelly took the wrong road to our house. She is now swearing that is where Jimmy Hoffa is really buried. We took the road after lunch to see where it led. Kelly had turned around the first time. Well, we went from being 2 miles away from house to ending up on the other side Hawley. It was quite the ride, and for those of you who think our road is bad, we found that was by far worse than anything we have to drive on regularly.


Anne K said...

You'll have to keep your camera with you whenever you're sitting out there. Keep on posting! I enjoy reading what's happening way out there in Hawley, PA.

Bill said...

Chase them away. Don't let them eat all your huckleberries. How will you make huckleberry jam or huckleberry pie if the deer eat all the berries?