Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sick Sunday

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a fever. I took some Tylenol and then I had to run to the store for some food. On the way to the store, the VUE's engine cut out at a stop sign. It didn't seem to have the right power while I was driving it, but then all of a sudden kicked into gear. I made it home okay and don't have to travel tomorrow. Leo comes home tomorrow night and has Tuesday off. We will run it down to the shop on Tuesday. I am thinking spark plugs or possible fuel injector issue. We'll see what transpires. I unloaded the groceries. Took apples and corn up to the deer feeding spot. Then, finished watching the Phillies clinch to go to the NLCS. I then took a nap. Woke up feeling better but still tired. Unfortunately with Leo being gone, I had to deal with all the pets. I did manage to a play a little catch with the dogs, so they aren't out of control tonight. Leo called tonight. He seems to be having fun on his little trip. My father called tonight. My grandmother is back in the hospital. She should only be in for a few days. This is actually the longest in a bit that she has gone between hospitalizations. Now, I am watching the Red Sox and Steelers games. Not at the same time, I am flipping back and forth between the two. Hopefully tomorrow I will fell back to normal. I have some things around the house that I want to get done.

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