Friday, October 3, 2008

Ever Wonder What People Are Thinking

You ever wonder how people justify their thoughts. I have read numerous articles today about the banning of teaching yoga in a certain school district. Parents and religious leaders arguing that it teaches religious principals of Hinduism. Now, from what I read, the aspect of its religious involvement isn't being discussed. It is just using the stretching and breathing techniques to help reduce stress. The argument is the good old separation of church and state. First off, I know many people of all different religions that use yoga on a regular basis. Are they going against their original religion by doing yoga? I am sure that every single one of them will convert to Hindu now that they do it. That was actually a point a parent against the yoga tried to make by the way. Apparently, this isn't the first district to have this problem. Yoga has actually been banned due to parent protest in a few districts although it is used in over 100 with more planning on adding it to their curriculum. Ironically, some of these same parents fought to keep under God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why is that? Oh yeah, that is something that supports their ideals. Doesn't matter apparently that actually mentions a God of any sort. Don't get me wrong. I don't think that under God should be removed. I am just saying that if you are going to argue for that you are being a tad bit hypocritical. People are afraid that it may cause conflict in their children. If you are raising your children right in your church thoughts, they should be grounded enough to realize that for most now yoga is just something to make you relax and something of benefit. I can't believe that some people have nothing better to do with their time than come up with things like this to challenge. At least the post I read on book banning/ challenging had some good insight on merits for and against. I at least had something with some thought behind its argument to read. The anti-yoga people should take that approach.


Bill said...

I used to wonder what people were thinking, but now I don't because it's too scary. People in this country are supposed to be well educated, but you do have to wonder. Through the years I have heard similar inane arguments about a whole host of things. Many times these things come up in the area of education. If people don't want their children exposed to different cultures or ideas they should home school them. I would feel sorry though for those children schooled by parents with such closed minds. We don't have to embrace Hindu or Muslim culture, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't study different aspects of them. Some people are afraid that if we do that, we just may find out that they have some good ideas. My, my, what a scary thought that is; someone else may have a good idea.

Anne K said...

I believe if someone looses their faith because of doing yoga meditation, they didn't have much faith to start with. All religions have some truth. We should learn and embrace our own faith and then be able to recognize and use what is good in other faiths. There needs to be no compromise of faith. And of course, as you pointed out, yoga today is usually simply done for exercise and relaxation - not a spiritual experience.