Sunday, December 21, 2008

Some People Use Sleds. Others........

I was watching the pre-game show when Wrangler ran to the window and started whining. At first, I thought maybe that there was a deer out there. No, what do I see. I see Leo walking up the hill towing a kayak. I guess this is his form of sledding. Since snow is a form of water, he figured that this was the way to go. It is moments like this that I am glad that we only have one set of neighbors that can see our place. I am waiting for the neighbor girls to come over here. He has a good trail cut that will be good for their sleds.
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christine M said...

Looks like fun!

Anne K said...

So how was the sledding?

kristen said...

I didn't go out. The run is 300 feet long. I thought the girl would come over, but they just watched Leo. He says it is very fast.