Friday, December 19, 2008


Here are some of the views from the hill today. Leo got home a little bit ago. It took him an hour to make the drive from work to here. He said the roads are barely touched. Not that you can keep up with a storm that is dumping two inches of snow an hour. It is a nice day to just be indoors. Later, we will get a fire going. I already have teh spaghetti sauce and homemade meatballs going in the crockpot for dinner. Leo may take the dogs out to run around again. I could only stand being our there so long. It isn't really all that cold. It is the snow blowing in your face that bothers you. Well, not the dogs really. They don't seem to mind.
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Anne K said...

I bet you're glad your dr's appt was cancelled! We got enouogh snow to almost cover the grass and now it's turned to rain. Stay warm!

kristen said...

It really isn't all that cold as far as snowing goes. They just came and actually plowed our road. I was impressed.