Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's looking like Christmas.

Well, we finally got our tree and decorated it yesterday. It is nice to have the scent of pine in the air. Of course, we always have to monitor where we decorate so the cats aren't attracted to the ornaments. We also had to move a few because of wagging dog tails. It turned out nice I think. We also bought the LED lights this year. They make a big difference. I would suggest them to anyone who needs to get lights for their trees or outside. We have them for our outside deocoration also. Not only do they use a lot less electricity. They are also much brighter, but yet with a soft glow. Since we have a fireplace mantle now, I decided to buy a little village and put that up. It also has lighted buildings which I like. I tried to take some pictures with the lights. I added the few that give you the best idea of things. We also have the top of the bookcase deocrated with snowmen, a X-mas bear, and nutcrackers that we bought our first Christmas and were still in the bag that they came in when we bought them. Another interesting fact around here, is the deer are starting to come out of hiding. Apparently, they have an internal clock that told them that hunting season ended yesterday. One of the ten points was in our front yard last night. Today, the three point that thinks he owns our hill was back taking over his territory. He didn't even move when the dogs went out to go to the bathroom. I think he is glad to be back over here. Plus, he also was a tad bit hungry and since I do have food out he figured he would make up for lost time. I am sure there will be none around come Christmas Day since Dad will be here. We know how they like to hide when he comes.


Anne K said...

Your tree is beautiful. Everything looks very nice!

kristen said...

I like the tree myself. We couldn't have a full tree before because of the spacing of the townhouse. It is nice to have room for a big tree at this house.