Monday, September 15, 2008

Pretty Calm Day.

It was hot and miserable outside today. It wasn't so much the heat as it was the humidity that made it so you didn't want to go outside. Worked fine for me since it is a Sunday during football season. I was more than happy to sit on my new couch and watch games all day. Also, threw in the NASCAR race, but that was flipped back and forth between breaks in games. I had to let Leo watch something that he wanted to see. The Steelers won and Michael Phelps was at the game. Apparently, after you win eight gold medals, your rink of choice becomes Corona in a can. They showed him numerous times with one in his hand and others lined up in front of him. Pretty good free advertising if you ask me. It was a very relaxing day made even nicer since we have the new furniture.

1 comment:

Anne K said...

It was very hot and humid here too. The pool at 75 degrees felt really good! We plan to close it in 2 weeks.