Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Getting Things Done

While Leo is in St. Louis listening to bad lectures, eating at sports bars, and attending baseball games, I have been doing things that I have wanted to for a bit. Yesterday, I had to do my typical weekly shopping. Then, on the way out I realized that the VUE really needed to be cleaned. I looked for my car washing things and couldn't find them, so I bought some new ones. After I put the groceries away and put down then deer corn and apples, I washed the car. I also straightened up some things around the house. Today, I waxed the car. I always like waiting a day in between washing and waxing. That way, the car is real dry and if you missed a spot of dirt you can take care of it before waxing it into the car. I also burned some cardboard and paper that we had lying around that I have been wanted to dispose. Since it is supposed to rain from tomorrow until Monday, I figured that today was probably my best chance. Tomorrow, I have to pick up Satin's latest round of antibiotics, and finish cleaning the house. I don't know how the weather will play with Leo's travel plans. He is supposed to be coming home late Friday night, but with all the rain and wind we are supposed to be having, it may delay his return. We will see what happens. Hopefully, he can get back without too many hitches.


Bill said...

I washed my Equinox on Monday. I use a Zipwax stuff that has wax in it. It probably doesn't come out as good as hand waxing, but it looked a whole lot better when I was finished. I also cleaned the inside including the windows. That made a difference too. At work today, one of the girls came in after lunch and said that she had been sitting in her car in the parking lot and some bird, who must have been sick, spray pooped on her car and her arm through the open window and, by the way, he got your car too she told me. I cleaned it off the best I could,but that stuff was really tough. It's supposed to rain here too for the next few days, so I'm not going to worry about it anymore. It was nice to have the car looking spiffy for a day and a half anyway.

I hope you are not overdoing things for yourself. I guess you know your own limits, but it sounds like you had a pretty busy day. Hopefully, Leo won't have too much trouble getting home. I'm sure he would rather be there than stuck in an airport or hotel somewhere.

kristen said...

No, I am not overdoing it. I find washing and waxing the car very relaxing. Plus, the wax I used this time was spray on. It only took a little time to wax the whole car. The only true work with the burning was to take the stuff to the burn area and then once started watch the fire to make sure you don't end up with bigger fire. That wasn't all that hard.